Precious Moments

Dive into our treasure trove of Precious Moments figurines and collectibles to celebrate all those special occasions in style. As an authorized Precious Moments retailer, we pride ourselves on offering one of the largest selections. Whether you're marking a birthday, anniversary, or just want to spread some love, we've got the perfect figurine for any special occasion.

Get ready to sprinkle some joy into your world with our delightful selection of Precious Moments figurines! Whether you're celebrating a special milestone or simply want to brighten someone's day, these adorable collectibles are sure to bring a smile to your face.

And here's the best part—all of our Precious Moments figurines are brand new and come complete with the original box. So, why wait? Shop below today with Country N More Gifts and add some extra sweetness to your life with Precious Moments figurines. Trust us, your heart will thank you!✨💖

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Items: 2

  • Quick View Let It Snow LED Musical  - Country N More Gifts
    SALE -33%

    Let It Snow LED Musical

    Let the magic of the season come alive with our Precious Moments "Let It Snow LED Musical" figurine. This charming piece features a handsome snowman standing outside on a peaceful...
  • ’Tis The Ski-son To Be Jolly Annual Snowman Ornament

    Tis the Ski-son to be jolly with this festive annual snowman Ornament! Featuring an adorably plump snowman dressed for the cold, they'll bring joy and whimsy to your holiday season....
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2915 reviews
17 Cherry Tree Lane
G Ka (Athens, GR)
great adittion

This looks like more than cic but for a "London town" would be great addition

Birthday Train Clown Bless The Days of Our Youth

The Precious Moments Clown is adorable. It arrived in mint condition and on time. Country More Gifts is a great site to shop with. I look forward to shopping here again. The train goes through year 16! Thank you for all your special items!

Black cat on skull

It’s a really fun piece with the black cat

Purple skull

Had great detail and the color is fun

Sugar skull

This is such a colorful piece I love it