In 1974, The Year Without a Santa Claus captured a generation with stop motion animation and the story of two dueling weather titans, Heat Miser & Snow Miser. This beloved holiday special follows the story of Santa Claus, who considers skipping Christmas due to a lack of belief in him. To restore faith in Santa, Mrs. Claus and some helpful elves devise a plan involving Heat Miser and Snow Miser, leading to a whimsical and heartwarming adventure filled with memorable characters and catchy tunes. The film's timeless charm and endearing message continue to resonate with audiences of all ages, making it a beloved classic for generations to come.
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Items: 2

  • Snow Miser Sitting on Throne

    Experience the New for 2024 frosty allure of the season with our Snow Miser Sitting on Throne figurine from the esteemed Jim Shore Heartwood Creek collection! This enchanting piece captures...
  • He's Mr. Hundred and One - Heat Miser Sitting on Throne

    Embrace the fiery spirit of the season with our New for 2024 Heat Miser Sitting on Throne figurine! This striking Jim Shore piece captures the iconic character from the beloved...
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2872 reviews
Mini Patriotic Star Figurine
Lisa French (Danville, US)
Perfect, Patriotic and Positive!

My mini patriotic star figure by Jim Shore arrived in perfect condition! I’m positive I highly recommend this seller, COUNTRY N MORE GIFTS! The item arrive exactly as pictured and exactly as I expected it! It arrived very quickly, within a few days of placing my order! Since this last wonderful election I have increased my purchases of Patriotic collectables and decor for my home! I feel relieved and hopeful now!
I give this seller 5+ STARS!


I love this beautiful Jim Shore figurine. It makes my Holiday Season complete. I will leave it out far longer than the Holidays and will continue to admire it for the winter months to come. Another must have for everyone.. Thanks!

Santa with Porch Board Ornament
Barbara (South Plainfield, US)

This is a great figurine - Santa is holding a Believe sign!

Snoopy & Woodstock Mailbox
Barbara (South Plainfield, US)
Snoopy's mailbox

Snoopy is laying on top of his Christmas mailbox waiting for the mail. Woodstock is putting a letter to Santa in the mailbox

Gingerbread Santa LED Figurine
Barbara (South Plainfield, US)
Gingerbread sled

This Santa gingerbread sled is a nice piece to place with the Santa gingerbread engine & tender