In 1974, The Year Without a Santa Claus captured a generation with stop motion animation and the story of two dueling weather titans, Heat Miser & Snow Miser. This beloved holiday special follows the story of Santa Claus, who considers skipping Christmas due to a lack of belief in him. To restore faith in Santa, Mrs. Claus and some helpful elves devise a plan involving Heat Miser and Snow Miser, leading to a whimsical and heartwarming adventure filled with memorable characters and catchy tunes. The film's timeless charm and endearing message continue to resonate with audiences of all ages, making it a beloved classic for generations to come.
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1952 reviews
C'mon Guys, Wait Up!
John (Altoona, US)
Nice detail and addition to the village

Item arrived in excellent condition. Excellent addition to my collection. Detail is very nice. Shipping was fast.

Ralphie To The Rescue!
John (Altoona, US)
Nice addition to a Christmas Story

Love this piece. Ralphie is trying to save him. Detail and shipping was fast. Item arrive with no damage.

Cousin Eddie In The Morning
John (Altoona, US)
Love Cousin Eddie

This is one of my favorite parts of the movie and piece along with the Cousin Eddie's RV. This movie is a classic. This piece is detailed very nice with the cigar in his mouth and the robe. Excellent addition to the Christmas Vacation Village set.

Christmas Vacation, Bingo
John (Altoona, US)
Love this piece

I love this scene in the movie when Clark goes flying down the hill in a greased up saucer. The detail on this piece is very nice and the size is just right to go along with the other pieces. Shipping was fast and was well protected. Definitely would buy again. Five Stars *****

Freezing Our Baguettes Off
John (Altoona, US)
Very nice addition to the Christmas Vacation Villages

This piece is a depiction of a part in the movie with the in-laws. Absolutely love the detail and the size is just right. The price was just right and shipping was very fast. I'm never disappointed with Countrynmoregifts and their customer service is excellent. Don't hesitate to buy this.