
How Pre-Orders work
Items that are not currently in stock are marked "pre-order". If you are interested in an item that is out of stock you can chose the pre-order option. You will be charged in full at the time of your order for security purposes. You can cancel a pre-order at anytime (provided the order has not shipped from our warehouse to you) and we can refund you within 24 hours. If you have in stock items on your order with a pre-ordered item, your order will be held until the pre-ordered item comes back into stock. Pre-orders are not guaranteed, the manufacturer does discontinue items throughout the year. We do update these discontinuations as we are informed of them.

Every Pre-Order item should have an ETA, however, if there is not one listed please contact us. All of our ETA dates come direct from our manufacturer and are subject to change. We post ETA dates as they are provided by the manufacturer. You can make changes to your order (remove items, add items, or cancel) by logging into your account. Login.
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2922 reviews
Grinch Archway
Amy Manko (Summerville, US)
Love my purchase

Great seller ships fast and has great coupons available

Snoopy with Valentine on nose.

Super cute. Love Snoopy's reaction as Woodstock laughs. As always Jim Shore's attention to detail shines through.

Tall Joe Cool

Bought this as a gift. It's perfect. Jim Shore always puts the detail in his products. This one is large compared to the others.

Crested in Blue--Blue Jay Bird Figurine

This bird always looks so royal with its little blue crest. Of course, we were taught that it is a nest robber, but it is still a lovely bird. Thank you for a great price on this little king!!!

Indigo Melody--Indigo Bunting Bird Figurine

We learned about this lovely bird many yrs ago in Fourth Grade as my teacher had us all join the Audubon Club. I was always drawn to this beautiful blue coloring. Thanks so much for this incredible memory and at such a great price!!!