Step into the world of Disney’s The Little Mermaid with this captivating Jim Shore creation featuring Ursula, the infamous sea witch, in her human form. Transfixed by the mirror that unveils her true nature, this figurine perfectly captures Ursula's cunning and power in a moment of self-reflection. A must-have piece for fans of Disney villains and Jim Shore's artistry. Every inch of this piece showcases Jim Shore's remarkable craftsmanship. From Ursula's elegant human attire to the intricate rosemaling patterns adorning her dress, this figurine is a testament to the artist's ability to bring depth and personality to beloved characters. The reflective mirror adds a dynamic layer, revealing the duality of Ursula’s villainous charm. From
- View all Jim Shore Disney Traditions
- Figurine
- 10.83in H
- Jim Shore Disney Traditions Collection - The Little Mermaid "Sinister Reflections"
- Beautifully hand-painted and crafted with intricate styling and attention to detail
- Jim Shore's style evokes a sense of nostalgia with traditional themes, quilt patterns and design motifs inspired by American and European folk art
- Proudly designed by award winning artist, Jim Shore
- Packaged in individual box with photo on front